Normally I hate the wind and I mean HATE the wind - its bad for my hair. I swear everytime it starts getting windy out an irrational rush of anger fills my body, much like repeatedly dropping my keys. I'm not really sure where this hatred for wind came from, but I'm guessing its probably the result of years spent living in Victoria, on Vancouver Island.
However, today was an exception. After a solid two weeks of non-stop rain and floods the wind was a welcomed change, at least somewhat. Although it was not a sunny day by any means, still cloudy and drizzly, at least I didn't have the habitual puddles in my shoes and doused pant bottoms. I absolutely hate the feeling of wearing wet jeans, almost as much as I hate wind. Nevertheless, since the skies fnially decided to let up, I figured today was as good a day as any to break from the house and head out for a walk. We went for a big stroll around the salt water lake in Hossegor, I think it took us about an hour and a half from start to finish.
Best day ever for Rypien, he was so happy and excited to finally be spending some quality time outside. Running around in circles on the sand, jumping in and out of the water, swimming, playing with sticks and chasing birds. A woman we passed on our walk even stopped to say how funny and silly he was to watch, I guess she must have seen him racing around on the beach and pouncing on sticks. It was a good day. And as luck would have it, as soon as we made it home it started to rain again. Praying for sunshine in the very near future.