Another cloudy and rainy day.... We seem to be having quite a few these kinds of days lately, certainly not the kind of weather that makes me want to throw on my bikini and sunscreen and head for the beach. No matter, Rypien and I decided to head for the Pyrenees for a brilliant afternoon of great hiking and stunning vistas.
Located in southern France, the Pyrenees stretch from the Atlantic ocean to the Mediterranean sea. In between one can expect to find snow-topped peaks and lush valleys packed with mountain villages, history and culture.
Conveying the true awe of the Pyrenees Mountains with mere words is difficult. I could describe them as amazing, stirring, awesome, fascinating, stunning, incredible, astounding, marvelous, stupendous, astonishing, striking and stratospheric but I would still fall 30 adjectives shy of doing them justice. Either way, you'll just have to believe me when I tell you that they are truely captivating.